This is a general resource and tools intended for all audiences of all NMSU campuses. Additional syllabi requirements may vary depending on the type of course being taught, program level requirements related to specialized accreditation, or requirements mandated by department heads and/or deans within a specific department or college.
Syllabus Resources
Resources to make getting ready for your semester easy.
Looking for a Syllabus?
If you are looking for a syllabus for a specific course, please contact the department. If you are not sure which department to contact, visit the NMSU Catalogs.
Per policy, academic department's are required to maintain copies of current syllabi (ARP 6.72, Part 4).
Syllabus Template on Canvas
Import the Syllabus Template from Canvas Commons and fill out your course's information.
Learn about the templateSyllabus Generator
Input your course information into the generator and copy & paste to a document or your Canvas page. You will need to be on the NMSU VPN or log in using your NMSU username and password to access the generator.
Generate your SyllabusSyllabus Student Resources & Policy
A Syllabus Student Resources & Policy webpage is a resource for faculty and students of all campuses. It contains the current and standard language for academic misconduct and the American Disabilities Act, as well as other helpful information for students. You can also download a Syllabus Addendum with basic information for all campuses.
Include the following statement in you syllabus to direct students:
Please visit the Syllabus Student Resources & Policy website for university policies and student services, including Discrimination and Disability Accommodation, academic misconduct, student services, final exam schedule, grading policies and more.
Syllabus Addendum
Download the syllabus addendum for the respective semester to include in your syllabus.
- Spring 2025 (11/06/2024)
- Fall 2024 (UPDATED 8/22/2024)
- Summer 2024
AI Statements Available for Syllabi
AI Statements are now available for faculty to include in their syllabi. Select one of the following three statements that best fits your course to include.